Die neue KLEI Harmony-Cinchstecker Serie hat 4 Qualitätsstufen: Die Ausführung "Perfect Harmony" ist die bestmögliche Qualität,
- mit speziellen Silberkontakten
- klingt nochmals besser als die "Absolute"
- mehr Raum, mehr Feinheiten
verkauft wird pro Stück, rote und blaue Markierungen, ohne optionalen Grommet
Der Stecker wird pro Stück normal ohne Grommet ausgeliefert - bei Bedarf bitte extra mitbestellen

hier die Original-Beschreibung von KLEI zum Absolute:
Sound: Exceptional Resolution, Extremely tight non-bloated deep/detailed/resolving Bass, Extremely articulate presentation, Conveys subtle nuances with amazing dexterity, Stage is spacious and envelopes the listener, Allows the full emotion of the music to be experienced, Superb dynamics and an excellent micro detail presentation, Displays delicate upper mid and high frequency detail/resolution and harmonic texture with precision and emotion, Delivers music with extremely low noise/distortion in a Warm Musical and Involving manner from an very very Black/Quiet Background.
Our testing, and reports received, show that the KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plug when compared to the KLEI™Pure Harmony RCA plug is Simply… even Faster, even Quieter/Noiseless/Blacker Background, and more transparent, and has noticeably better PRAT, Decay, Timbre and Texture, Edge Control and Extension, Resolution, and Stage. The following quote is from the many reports that we have received…
With the KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs, right from the first track it was like a flashback to that first brief audition but something was now quite different…
- I didn’t consciously discern the improvements in terms of the various metrics associated with performance evaluation, i.e. imaging, dynamics, details etc…, but, my level of enjoyment of the music had increased significantly.
- The music just seemed more complete, with more vim & vigor. It was crisp, clean and bold and my foot seemed as though it was tapping with a mind of its own. Every now and again the goose-bumps kicked in – it was a very interesting and pleasing experience.
- The gentle strumming really demonstrated just how good the KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA was at conveying minute details, since you can actually hear the pick hitting the next string in a single strum.
- “Oh boy, what a…” – OK, so you must think I’m being incredibly anal here, after all, why would that particular facet stand out? – Well, after playing guitar for over 45 years that particular strumming sound is something my ears have become acutely accustomed too and when I hear it in a recording, it has a tendency to leap out at me. Alas, the KLEI™Pure Harmony RCA plugs was not quite able to perform to this level of detail.
- Tracks had produced a very wide and deep image with the KLEI™Pure Harmony RCA plugs, but the KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs was able to extend the depth of that image and provide a little better focus on the various instruments within it.
- One other facet that stood out was the high frequency detail extension of the KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs, which enabled it to convey the very fine whispery textures of Stings voice.
- The KLEI™Pure Harmony RCA Plugs are an exceptional and technically adept performer, that delivers fine details, dynamics, spatial imaging, and an extended bass performance, with amazing clarity and dexterity. Something many other RCA’s can only aspire too.
- The KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs however, transcends those standard metrics and delivers a performance which leaves you with a smile on your face, while tapping your feet and simply enjoying an incredibly rich musical performance.
- I use the KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs because currently, I believe there is no other RCA plug capable of performing to the same level. However, as with everything in life, one’s budget can be a deciding factor, so the Harmony Range provides an RCA solution to fit several budgets. The Copper Harmony is an excellent performer and each successive model extends the abilities of its predecessor to provide a musical performance of the highest calibre.
The KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs when compared KLEI™Pure Harmony RCA plugs…
- The most notable attribute is the extension in the bass, which is deeper with superb control and significant texture.
- The image (sound stage) is as precise as the KLEI™Pure Harmony RCA plugs, from the perspective of performer/instrument placement, but is more extended in depth and width, with additional space around individuals and instruments.
- The extremely fine micro detail/resolution that brings that element of realism to a live performance is also further improved, where delicate venue and instrument acoustics now fill the voids between performers.
- Plucked instruments exhibited a crisper staccato effect due to an improved dynamic performance.
- Instruments whose sound occupy the higher registers, such as glockenspiels, triangles and percussion chimes, sounded more detailed/resolute and complete, because their delicate harmonics are now even more faithfully reproduced.
- The improved detailing/resolution also contributes to an extremely smooth presentation of a violins upper register and a much more realistic reconstruction of sibilance.
- The KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs should provide the biggest “bang-for-the-buck” of any single piece of audio equipment you have ever purchased!
- The KLEI™Absolute Harmony RCA plugs should provide a level of performance to your audio system, such as with Turntable leads/cables, that you believed was only possible by significant component upgrades.
KLEInnovations(KLEI)… Absolute®Harmony
The following are the improvements that Keith Louis Eichmann (aka KL) has made to the KLEI™Absolute Harmony Phono/RCA plug design when compared to his previous Bullet plug design…
- The Signal/Ground pins utilise KLEI™PureSilver with >106% IACS, please refer KLEI™Harmony Phono/RCA Architecture.
- The Signal/Ground pins are formed/manufactured to optimize/enhance electron flow, in accordance with KL’s (proprietary) Absolute Signal/Ground formula, please refer KLEI™Harmony Phono/RCA Architecture.
- The Signal/Ground pins are now much stronger and shaped like a tag, which makes soldering small/large/multiple wires, very easy.
- The Signal/Ground Anti-Short shield has been added between the Signal/Ground solder tags.
- The Signal/Ground pins are arranged to maintain a maximised distance from each other, and the utilised foil technology ensures that Capacitive, Inductive, and EMF effects are minimized.
- The Head Assembly jaw structure has been redesigned and mechanically improved, to allow an easy snap-like connection to a Phono/RCA socket, ensuring the ultimate connection with easy removal.
- The Ground pin includes thread teeth to ensure that if a conductive Housing, ie of metal or carbon fibre, is utilised it is star-point grounded.
- The Housing Assembly uses 2 screws to retain and secure the Cable.
- Extremely high temperature melting point thermoplastic polymer has been utilized.
- Recommendations: >200hrs Burn-in, Cable OD sizes from 4mm to 9.5mm.