
KLEI Harmony Cinch Stecker Vergleich gegen Bullet Plugs gewonnen!

KLEI Harmony Cinch Stecker   Vergleich gegen Bullet Plugs gewonnen!
  Vergleich alter und neuer Bullet Plugs Stecker
  ETI Eichmann Silber Bullet KLEI Pure®Harmony
Qualität Unplated fine Silver (99,99%) Proprietäre Legierung,
Leitfähigkeit >= reines Silber

Maschinenbearbeitbares Silber,

92,5% -96%

KLEI PureSilver™

with >106% IACS conductivity

Vergleich ca.  98 % - 102% IACS >=106% IACS
Reinheit 92,5% -96% entspricht 99,99 % (4N)
Lötanschlüsse dünne Pins verbesserte Lötfläche
    verbesserte Anordnung
Kabelschutz 1 Schraube und
Grommet (Option)
2 Schrauben und
integrierter Kabelschutz
Gehäuse Kunststoff oder Aluminium
Hochtemperatur Kunststoff
Burn-in k. A. >200hrs

The KLEI Pure Harmony RCA plug on Silberkabel SilverX

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KLEI Pure Harmony

Product no.: KLEI-Pure

28.75 *
Actual not in stock

KLEI Copper Harmony Plug

Product no.: KLEI-Copper

21.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

KLEI Classic Harmony Plug

Product no.: KLEI-Classic

17.50 *
In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

WBT plug 102 AG NextGen

80.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1 days

WBT plug 110 AG NextGen

70.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1 days

WBT plug 114 AG NextGen

55.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1 days

WBT Silber Banana Typ 610 Ag NextGen Pure Silver

69.00 *
MSRP 70.80 €
Actual not in stock

KLEI Classic Harmony Binding Post

Product no.: KLEI-Classic Binding

176.00 / set(s) *
In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

KLEI Classic Harmony RCA socket

Product no.: KLEI-Classic RCA socket

54.00 / pair(s) *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-3 days

KLEI Classic Banana plugs (8 pcs)

Product no.: KLEI-Classic Bananas

127.00 / set(s) *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-3 days

New KLEI-QFLOW7 (Concert)

Product no.: KLEI-QFLOW7

bitte tel./ per mail anfragen

2,435.00 *

New KLEI-QFLOW3 (Concert)

Product no.: KLEI-QFLOW3

bitte tel./ per mail anfragen

1,235.00 *

New KLEI-QFLOW1 (Concert)

Product no.: KLEI-QFLOW1

bitte tel./ per mail anfragen

635.00 *

New KLEI-QFLOW2 (Concert)

Product no.: KLEI-QFLOW2

935.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 10 days

KLEI Perfect Harmony Plug

Product no.: KLEI-Perfect

54.50 *
In stock
can be shipped within 2 days

KLEI Pure Harmony

Product no.: KLEI-Pure22

34.00 *
Actual not in stock
Price in Euro incl. VAT plus delivery (free delivery above 500€)
Bank ayment with  2% rebate (6% above 2000 € !)
5 years guaranty
Call:+49 2202 863271
Dr. Michael Axmann can talk to you